Contact: Brooke Armour
Dec 30, 2022
The Goods Movement Alliance issues statement on redesignating Lt. Governor Kounalakis as California's top representative to advance economic interests abroad
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Goods Movement Alliance issued the following statement in response to Governor Newsom’s announcement redesignating Lt. Governor Kounalakis as California’s International Affairs and Trade Representative charged with serving as the top representative to advance California’s economic interests abroad:
“California’s economic success depends on our ability to work with international partners, and no person is more qualified to continue representing our state on the global stage than Lt. Governor Kounalakis. To preserve our leadership role, California must continue to invest in the infrastructure needed to keep our state competitive in international markets and preserve our ability to import critical goods from abroad. We look forward to supporting Lt. Governor Kounalakis’ leadership on these critical issues for 2023 and beyond.”
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