Contact: Brooke Armour
Aug 12, 2022
The Goods Movement Alliance issued the following statement in response to Governor Newsom's announcement to name former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as an Infrastructure Advisor to the State of California
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Goods Movement Alliance issued the following statement in response to Governor Newsom's announcement to name former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as an Infrastructure Advisor to the State of California–charged with working with local, state, and federal leaders to identify priority projects and maximize access to federal funding for infrastructure projects:
“The Goods Movement Alliance looks forward to working with former Mayor Villaraigosa in his new role as Infrastructure Advisor. Given the ongoing issues in California’s supply chain that are helping drive record-high inflation, it's vital that state leaders prioritize the most impactful projects for federal funding opportunities. Our coalition stands ready to serve as a conduit for the private sector's expertise and recommendations for modernizing California’s infrastructure to address current challenges and making our systems more resilient to future disruptions."
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About The Goods Movement Alliance The Goods Movement Alliance (GMA) was launched in August 2022 to galvanize supply chain stakeholders and serve as a resource to federal, state, and local lawmakers as they address the ongoing logistics and goods movement crisis. Bringing together users from the agriculture, storage, transportation, retail, manufacturing, and distribution industries, GMA is committed to driving solutions that will address the short- and long-term problems in the goods movement sector. To learn more, please visit our website GoodsMovement.org